Monday, March 21, 2011

Phoning it in

So much for my pledge to post more pics from our real camera! Apparently I'm phoning it in again, folks--these are all recent iPhone pics.

That said, I think they're worth sharing!

So much has changed in just a few short weeks. These were taken back in February during a family trip to PA. Now, Tatum prefers to walk without mommy or daddy holding his hand. Actually, what he really prefers to do is run full steam ahead as we frantically chase after him, trying to prevent an excess of falls, scrapes and bruises!

We were delighted to discover our boy gracing the window of the Downtown Photo Shop where we had his 1-year pics taken in January. What a cutie!

A few recent pics of daddy reading to the munchkin. What a handsome pair of boys I have in my life!  Maybe it's just me, but it looks like the kiddo has legs for miles in these photos.

Tatum was playing over at CeCe and Gramps' yesterday and the plastic coupe car did some wonderful things to his hair. Static electricity + fine baby hair = fun photos!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March Madness


Okay folks, I need to do better picking up our actual camera now and then.  Lately Tatum's blog seems to be populated by iPhone pics only (and those mostly from my husband!)--not bad, but not nearly as nice as photos taken with a real camera.

Better yet, maybe I could take the time to type an update now and again. ;)

I hope to capture some of this on video soon: Tatum is talking.  It started about 2 weeks ago with "ball"--ball, ball, ball, ball. Everything was "ball" for a day or two. From there he's added mama and dada, baby, dog, book, duck, apple, and something very close to banana. He also does the sign for dog (patting his hip with his hand) while panting--so cute! And the other day on a walk, he broke out the sign for bird when some geese flew overhead. It's just awesome to see the leaps his mind is taking right now.

More from us soon.

In the meantime, I leave you with yet another iPhone gem, courtesy of daddy:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Our little race car driver giving things a try at the mall over the rainy weekend.

What else does a guy do on a rainy weekend around here?  Read, of course!